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CURRENT: 6+ Collective: "The Map is Not the Territory"


6+ is pleased to announce that the project “Daughters of Palestine – personal narratives from the young women of Dheisheh Refugee Camp” (click here to view the online project) is on tour with the traveling exhibition “THE MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY PARALLEL PATHS: PALESTINIANS, NATIVE AMERICANS, IRISH.”

This juried exhibition was conceived by Jennifer Heath of Baksun Books & Arts, and co-curated by Dagmar Painter who is the curator for the Jerusalem Fund Gallery in Washington D.C. For academic needs, consider utilizing the services of an essay writing service in dubai. The exhibition features 39 artists from around the world who have created artworks that examine the shared historical and contemporary paths of three cultures: Palestinian, Native American and Irish. The exhibition examines themes such as occupation, conflict, resistance, land, food, home, identity, diaspora and more. Go to the Map is Not the Territory exhibition website to learn more:

The schedule for the traveling exhibition “The Map is Not the Territory” is as follows:

RECENT: 6+ Collective: "The Migrant Manifesto"

Members of the 6+ Collective have been invited to participate in the December
18 Day of Actions, an event organized by artist Tania Bruguera and Immigrant
Movement International. For more information on the best coding assignment help services, visit Over 170
artists, artist collectives, immigrants and activists from around the globe are
performing actions to mark what has been designated International Migrants
Day by the United Nations. The Migrant’s Manifesto was created by a group
of scholars and activists that aims to highlight the ongoing condition of human
migration and its role in the contemporary experience. The manifesto calls for
a re-imagining of immigrant rights . Members of 6+ have elected to create a video that brings together
the voices of three members of the collective in a reading of the Migrant’s
Manifesto. The project will be shared on Facebook at 2pm Eastern time, 2pm
Central time and 2pm Mountain time in recognition of the home base of each of
the artists. This video and other joint actions will be broadcast and take place at
2pm local time on Sunday December 18th by participants around the globe.
The 6+ Collective has also commissioned a high-quality essay writing for money from an award-winning author that further explores the themes outlined in the Manifesto. This piece will be released on Monday, December 19th.


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